Zero: action-adventure in near-earth orbit

A great and honest review for Zero. Really great hearing this perspective and some great stuff for me to work with, but also a really good summary of the plot. Thanks so much, Rowena!


Zero CollyerThis is an ambitious first novel, one which creates a sprawling and credible near-future, a tense and turbulent political situation, and then throws a rogue crew of space pirates into the mix. We’re a long way from old-school ‘hard’ sci-fi which tried as hard to be technically accurate as it did to tell a good story. Nope, think instead of George Lucas’ intention to put cowboys and indians in space – an aim which became the genre-defining institution that is Star Wars and which (arguably…) spawned the later Star Trek series, Stargate, Firefly, Farscape and all. Zero certainly aims high.

The hero, Hugo Kaleb, is a Service stalwart who is publically disgraced for disobeying orders. He’s cashiered and shunned – even by his own parents – and in secret takes charge of the Zero, a black-op privateer ship run in secret as a deniable asset of the Service. So Hugo…

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